How to control flies?

 Flies, flies, flies, some of the most annoying pests that you can’t even catch. But there are several other problems that they cause apart from creating a nuisance.  But what are those?

This article shall provide you all the information you need to know about flies as well as how to get rid of them. With these methods, you might not even need to call fly pest control.

Therefore, without wasting any time, let's get into it:

What attracts flies?

Understanding what attracts houseflies can help fight them. If you can avoid these mistakes it will make dealing with them even easier.

Now, flies are simple creatures. They are attracted to only one thing; it is a place or thing where they can lay their eggs. Therefore, they are attracted to rotting material, food waste, animal feces, manure, and Bright lights at night can also attract flies.

Are flies harmful?

How can flies harm you, they are just tiny little creatures that flies around creating a nuisance. Wrong. While it is true that flies can be “just” nuisance in most cases, but they are not harmless. In fact, in the world of pests, flies are known as carriers of 1000 diseases.

Reason being that houseflies carry dangerous viruses, as well as bacteria. Both of these can be transmitted with just a bite from flies. Some of the diseases caused by flies are, as mentioned below:

  • ·         food poisoning
  • ·         cholera
  • ·         E. coli
  • ·         typhoid fever
  • ·         dysentery
  • ·         tuberculosis
  • ·         eye infections
  • ·         Yaws

This is the reason why calling Fly pest control becomes so important.


Methods to get rid of flies

Now that you know what attracts these flies, and what is the harm they cause, only one thing is left. These are the methods to control them.

In this section of the article, you will be going through the very same thing. Plus, all of these methods are selected as such that you can use them without spending loads of cash or doing labor-intensive work.

With that out of the way, let’s get into it:

Fly sprays

What better way of getting rid of flies than fly spray? While these pesticides are quite effective in getting rid of a limited number of flies, there is another way you can use to get rid of the infestation.

This way is called Pyrethrin. It is a pesticide that is quite toxic to insects. Plus, it is also available in form of a spray. Combined with some other techniques Pyrethrin can be a good solution to fly infestation.

However, there are some things that you should keep in mind while using pesticides. Reason being that it can cause problems if you are not wearing protective gear. In addition to this, be sure to keep pets and plans away from the area you are using this spray in.

Herbs and flowers

Herbs and flowers can be very helpful in dealing with flies. You might not even need to call Fly pest control if you have taken this step.

Now you might be wondering how does this works? Well, it is simple. Several types of herbs and flowers work as a repellent to flies. Thus, if you have them in your garden or as indoor plants, it can be very helpful in keeping the flies away from your house.

Flowers and herbs like basil, marigold, lavender, bay leaves, and catnip are some of the examples.

Cayenne pepper and water

Without a doubt, this is one of the simplest and easiest ways of getting rid of flies. all you need are two things cayenne pepper and water. Both of these are easily available in your house. And even if cayenne pepper isn’t, it can be bought (it’s quite inexpensive).

Once you have your hands on it, mix it with water and spray it around your house. Since cayenne pepper repels flies, this solution shall deter flies from coming inside your house at all.

Venus flytrap

Everyone knows what a Venus flytrap is. If you have this plant in your house, it is as effective as fly pest control. Since these are carnivorous plants, which are known for eating insects, they will solve your problem “naturally”.

 So all you have to do is plant a few of them inside and outside your house and they will eat away all the flies. This is one of the least expensive, and labor-free work. Plus, it is also entertaining to watch. Getting rid of flies was never this fun.


So this is everything you need to know about getting rid of flies. If you use these methods, you won't even need to call fly pest control. However, if things get out of hand, be on the safer side by calling the professionals in. 


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